I installed this in a camper, replacing a unit that played CD’s, but not mp3s. I was skeptical because of the low price. It took about an hour to install, connecting individual wires. Plugs and jacks aren’t common to every unit, but the wires generally are. Had no problems with the installation. It works. Now, instead of having to carry a bunch of cd’s, and constantly swap them out, I put lots of albums on one 64 GB SD card. The SD card reader works. And, I can play songs or other audio from my Bluetooth phone, sitting at the dinette in the camper. All the functions work. The speaker system in my camper is what you might expect in a camper, so the sound is OK, definitely not any worse than the Craig CD player it replaced. One oddity … when “random” is selected, it will often play the same song a few songs later, even with thousands of songs on the SD card. This happens quite often. It’s not as random as I’d like.I was completing the warranty registration card, and saw that if the unit needs warranty work, it’ll take $20 along with the defective unit. It’s on sale now for less than $20, so consider it disposable if you buy one. Bottom line … I’m happy with it, and happy I was able to get Bluetooth and SD card technology for under $30.