Purchased to use with home TV. Simple modification to provide DC power and hook up audio. These have now replaced my $100+ Sennheiser HDR130 phones and I like them better. When they lose the IR connection, they just go silent. No hiss. No crackle. They turn off if there is no signal for a while. Battery life seems to be weeks of fairly regular use. Sound quality is not super hi-fi, but it is very good – and I am very fussy about such things!My 4 star rating is because I agree with other reviewers that the build quality is not the best. The foam ear pads would come off if they were abused by the wearer, but with 4 pairs in regular use in our home – by adults and children – the only time a foam pad has come off was when I pulled it off!Treat these phones carefully, and I think you will be very pleased with them for the price.